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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy applies to members who use the Service, and informs members of the purpose and manner in which the personal information provided by members is used and what measures are taken to protect personal information.

Uniday collects the minimum amount of personal information necessary for the establishment and fulfilment of the service use contract through legal and fair methods, and in order to collect personal information that can be personally identified by the member, Uniday provides the contents of the consent to the collection and use of personal information at the time of registration, and the member is deemed to have agreed to the collection and use of personal information when the member clicks the ‘Agree’ button.

3. Items of personal information to be collected

  1. Account information We store the member’s ID, encrypted password, age, country information, and time zone to identify the member when providing the service.
  2. Device information We store your device information (model name, type, operating system and version, etc.), language settings, mobile network and internet service provider, and device unique ID in order to provide you with information tailored to your needs.
  3. Paid contents and payment details paid by the member for the purpose of refunding payment and checking payment details
  4. Usage history and log data, etc. To provide you with a better service experience, we store your age, gender, features you use, access times, information about the advertisements you click or clip, and other log data.

4. How to collect personal information

  1. Collected through voluntary provision by the member during subscription or use of the service
  2. automatically collected from the relevant partner company in the case of members who sign up and log in using a social ID at the member’s option
  3. automatically collected from third parties if you connect the Service with the services of third-party apps (e.g. Google Calendar, iOS Calendar) at your option
  4. at your option, from your device’s local storage
  5. Collected through log information collection tools

5. Purpose of collection and use of personal information

The Company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes. However, we will send commercial information to members only if we receive separate consent from members to receive commercial information for commercial purposes.

  1. Member management Identification, personal identification, prevention of unauthorised use and prevention of unauthorised use by rogue members, confirmation of duplicate subscriptions, confirmation of intention to subscribe, confirmation of age, confirmation of legal representative consent when collecting personal information of children under 14 years of age, record keeping for dispute settlement, handling of complaints such as complaints, and delivery of notices
  2. Service improvement Development of new services and provision of customised services, provision of services according to statistical characteristics, validation of services, identification of access frequency, and statistics on members’ use of services
  3. Use for marketing and advertising Providing personalised event and advertising information and participation opportunities.

6. Delegation of processing of collected personal information

In order to improve the service, we entrust the processing of personal information to external specialised companies as follows.

  1. Google analytics consignment: Support for service usability analysis
  2. Adapty: Subscription, purchase information management

7. Provision of personal information to third parties

  1. The personal information of members shall not be used beyond the scope specified in this Privacy Policy or provided to a third party, except in cases where the consent of the member is obtained or if any of the following items apply: a. It is necessary for the settlement of fees for the provision of services. b. It is requested by relevant authorities for investigation, trial or administrative purposes in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. c. It is processed and provided in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical compilation, academic research or market research. d. It is requested in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law.
  2. In the event of transferring all or part of the business, or taking over the rights and obligations of the service provider due to merger/inheritance, etc. in order to ensure the rights of the member in relation to personal information protection, the member must be notified of the fact and the method and procedure to withdraw the consent if the member does not wish to transfer the personal information.
  3. If it is necessary to provide members’ personal information to third parties such as other companies for the purpose of providing better services, the Company will notify the member in advance of who will receive the personal information, what personal information items will be provided, the purpose of using the personal information provided, and how long it will be shared and how it will be protected and managed to obtain consent, and the information that the member does not agree to will not be provided to the third party.

8. Retention and use period of personal information

  1. The personal information of the member is destroyed when the purpose of collecting or providing the personal information is achieved. If a member withdraws from membership or has his/her member ID deleted due to falsification of personal information, the collected personal information will be completely deleted and cannot be used for any purpose. However, due to the possibility of damage such as unwanted membership withdrawal due to theft, personal information will be temporarily stored for a grace period of 7 days after the withdrawal application, which will be notified to the member at the time of cancellation. After 7 days, it will be completely deleted from the member information database (DB).
  2. Members’ personal information will be destroyed without delay when the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, but if each of the following items is applicable, it may be kept for the specified period of time and will not be used for any other purpose.

    a. Records of illegal use: 1 year

    b. Records of contract or subscription withdrawal: 5 years

    c. Records of payment and supply of goods: 5 years

    d. Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years

    e. Records of display and advertisement: 1 year

    f. Records of web and application visits: 3 years

9. Procedure and method of destruction of personal information

After the purpose of using the collected personal information is achieved, it is transferred to a separate DB and destroyed without delay according to the storage period and usage period. The procedure and method of destruction are as follows.

  1. Destruction Procedure The personal information entered by the member for service subscription, etc. shall be destroyed for a certain period of time (refer to the personal information storage period and use period) in accordance with the internal policy and other related laws and regulations for information protection reasons after the purpose of use such as service termination is achieved.
  2. Destruction method Personal information written in a written form or printed on paper is destroyed by shredding with a shredder, and personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using a technical method that makes it impossible to reproduce the record.
  1. Members and their legal representatives may view or modify their personal information or that of their children under the age of 14 at any time, and may request cancellation of their membership.
  2. To view or modify the personal information of a member or a child under the age of 14, click ‘Change Personal Information’ (or ‘Modify Member Information’, etc.), and to cancel membership (withdraw consent), click ‘Withdraw Membership’ to view, modify, or withdraw directly after going through the identity verification procedure. Or, if you contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, by phone, or by email, we will take action without delay.
  3. If a member requests correction of errors in personal information, we will not use or provide the personal information until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.
  4. Personal information that has been cancelled or deleted at the request of a member or legal representative shall be handled as specified in ‘8. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information’ and shall not be viewed or used for any other purpose.

11. Obligations of Members

Members must keep their personal information up to date and accurate to prevent any untoward incidents. Members are responsible for any accidents that occur due to inaccurate information entered by the member, and the use of the account may be restricted if false information is entered, such as theft of other people’s information. Members who use the Service have the right to personal information protection and the obligation to protect themselves and not infringe on the information of others. Members must be careful not to leak personal information, including IDs and passwords, and must be careful not to damage the personal information of others, including posts. If you fail to fulfil these responsibilities and damage other people’s information or the dignity of others, you may be punished by the Information and Communications Network Act, etc.

12. Duty to Notify

Any additions, deletions, or modifications to the current Privacy Policy will be notified on the Service at least 30 days prior to the effective date.

13. Personal Information Protection Officer* Contact Information

Uniday has designated the following person in charge of personal information protection to handle inquiries and complaints related to users’ personal information.

14. Changes to the Privacy Policy Changes to the Privacy Policy

15. Remedies for Infringement of Rights and Interests

Information subjects who need to report or consult about other personal information infringement may apply for dispute resolution or consultation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, the Personal Information Infringement Reporting Centre of the Korea Internet & Security Agency, etc. to receive relief from personal information infringement. In addition, please contact the following organisations for other personal information infringement reports and consultations.

  1. Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 1833-6972 (
  2. Personal Information Infringement Report Centre: (without area code) 118 (
  3. Supreme Prosecutors’ Office: (without area code) 1301 (
  4. National Police Agency: (without area code) 182 (

‘Any person whose rights or interests have been infringed upon by a disposition or omission made by the head of a public institution in response to a request pursuant to the provisions of Article 35 (Access to Personal Information), Article 36 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information), or Article 37 (Suspension of Processing of Personal Information) of the Personal Information Protection Act may file an administrative appeal as prescribed by the Administrative Appeals Act.

For more information on administrative appeals, please refer to the website of the Central Administrative Appeals Commission (